The significance of the options seem obvious to one well-versed in video gaming. The sword often represents attack, the amount of power one can pack into a single attack (in the case of a sword, a swing). The shield represents defense, the amount of damage one can withstand from enemies. And the wand (in the shape of none other than Mickey Mouse) represents magic, a more specialized skill unique to each game. Usually incorporating the use of elements or healing spells.
The choice I make here will affect the kind of skills and abilities I will have available for my character at the start of the game- depending on my choice as well as my own preference and gaming/fighting style, it could greatly help my game progress.
Just looking at surface value, it is the sword that attracts me the most. A part of of me finds it most appealing to the eye - its uniform yet slender form is a good alternative to the shield, and has a more regal look than the magic wand does. And I cannot deny that the prospect of better attack abilities/skills does sound quite appealing indeed.
And once again... the voice speaks as I approach my choice. "The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?" I confirm it... and there it is, my first choice of the game: the sword. Attack.
A lot of details remain unclear at this point in the story and quest. What is symbolic and what is fantasy still remains ambiguous - at this point, we can at least, however, infer that the game and quest will be full of supernatural occurrences. What makes this first scene even more odd is its dream-like quality; nothing looks or feels 100% tangible, as if the scene itself is an allegory, something we have seen in very few quests. One that stands out in giving the same feel or symbolism and dream-like quality is The Romance of the Rose. Like that story, there is a sense that despite what is described or seen, it not actually be real. Small details are greatly emphasized, such as the items of choice: the sword, wand, and shield, and everything else seems less significant. More than anything, the choice seems like a symbolic start to the quest than an actual physical start (which, proves to be completely accurate as we move along with the game itself).
The scene described above is almost dream-like, even, and the words of from the unknown voice has the uncanny feeling of coming from a wise, overseeing person, much like the hermit we may recognize in the typical Arthurian quest stories. We see all this, and are even given a choice between a sword, shield, or magic wand. The choice spells out adventure in the future - such tools will definitely be used in the future, for whatever purpose.
The fact that the game gives us the choice is a bit interesting- quest stories usually emphasize one's noble line; in other words, one's birth and past. One's abilities and skills usually come from one's line whether noble or poor. And yet, here, in this game, we, the main character, are given a choice to shape our skill and ability - something certainly no "knight" would be able to decide.
Expectations: Supernatural, "Hermit"
Terms: Adventure