Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Onto the New Worlds!

Entry #7:

You’ve just defeated the boss at Traverse Town. You encountered Goofy and Donald Duck (who have been searching for the keyblade wielder), and you’ve learned a little bit more about the keyblade, heartless (the shadow creatures), and the existence of other worlds.

To continue your quest to find Riku and Sora (Goofy and Donald accompany you as well to search for their king), you are now given a choice on where to go next: Wonderland or the Olympus Coliseum. The worlds have different difficulties, and I opt for the more difficult stage.


One thing to notice in the past few entries is their now growing emphasis on the keyblade. The recursivity of this idea of fate has been present since the beginning even, with the “hermit” and earlier characters asking questions about one’s life. The coincidence in that Goofy and Donald end up finding the very person they are seeking is quite coincidental, and it emphasizes the idea of fate. They also continue to discuss how Sora was “chosen” by the keyblade, like he was meant to hold it. As the hero/knight of the story, however, him being the “chosen one” isn’t quite too surprising, though. Quest stories, like The Grail of Sankgreal (Galahad), do have a way with selecting very specific “chosen” heroes for their quests.

The end of this entry gives the player another choice – for the first time, we are able to choose where to go next, rather than to be swept along by the story and plot. This choice brings about an important change, giving the player greater control with the pace and direction of the story. In addition, because the difficulty levels of each world are also displayed, players will also be able to control how they want their game experience to be: whether or not they’d prefer it to be harder initially and easier, later, or vice versa. This choice is similar to that of the very first choices the player made, regarding the shield, wand, or sword. One’s choice affected one’s progress throughout the game, though the story will likely remain the same, no matter the choice.

Expectations: Travel

Terms: Recursivity 

The Keyblade?

Entry #6:

Exploring the town some more after stocking up on healing potions, you discover that the town is crawling with dark, shadow creatures. The same ones that attacked the island just before it was all sucked up by the dark creature.

You are forced to defend yourself with the keyblade as you explore the town, while also gaining precious experience points along the way. At the same time, you stay cautious, knowing full well that it’s game over when your HP drops to 0.

After satisfied with knowing the town, you return to the shop, restock on potions, and leave once again. It is then you are faced with another character, who tells you: “They’ll come at you out of nowhere. And they’ll keep on coming at you, as long as you continue to wield the keyblade. But why? Why did it have to choose a kid like you?” He then demands to see the keyblade. Sora, though confused, refuses adamantly, and you then fight this new character, who wields a gun in the shape of a blade.

You fight to the best of your ability, but lose sorely to him. Instead of a “Game Over” message, however, Sora merely faints, and the story continues on from the stranger’s point of view.


In this entry, we see items and weapons play a much bigger role in the scope of the story. Sora’s keyblade is finally finding some significance as we are shed a little more light on what it is. Though a lot is still unclear, one thing seems certain: the keyblade chooses its wielder. This is not unlike the Holy Grail in so many stories, especially in Parzival, where the holy grail chooses its protectors. Likewise, the holy grail seems like a fairly well-known item and is treated like some sort of holy object. Whether these expectations are true or not are still unclear, but it’s at least clear that the keyblade is a very significant object, and seems to signify an item of hope for an incoming (or ongoing) disaster. With the supernatural shadow creatures around, it certainly seems like the case.
This part is also quite interesting because losing or winning seems to be both made into options, unlike a majority of the game. Normally, causing your health bar to drop to 0 will result in a “game over,” or at the least, a restart at your last checkpoint position. However, even when losing in this particular scene, the story itself went on. Such points in a game where there are multiple possibilities really pull at one’s curiosity: what would happen if I had done something else, instead? If I had won, would the other character have said something different?

Expectations: Supernatural Occurrences

Terms:  Signifier/Signified

A New World?

Entry #5:

Some time has passed, and Sora opens his eyes to a dog, Pluto, licking his face. He takes a bit to recover realizing that he is in a world completely different from his own. And just as suddenly, he recalls all the events that happened: the great dark shadow that swallowed up him and his island as well as the disappearance of his friends, Riku and Kairi, and he gets up, in search for a clue and help as to what might have happened and where his friends may be. In addition, he finds himself in possession of a key-like sword.

As we take Sora through the town, it doesn’t take long to find an Accessory Shop. Inside is a store owner, named Uncle Sid, who doesn’t seem to know what happened to our hero. But he offers his help, which is great, as he offers a variety of useful items we can purchase from his shop.


It is at this point that the quest takes a complete 180 degree turn. Just before, Sora’s quest was to journey outside his home island to explore the world. All of a sudden, however, he finds himself in that new world, but on his own. This brings to mind the promise the three of them made about seeing new worlds together, with the realization that, even though unintentional and being caused by forces outside of one’s one, the promise is being broken. This is no new concept for us readers, for we have seen this happen with promises countless times: in Pwyll’s story as well as The Franklin’s Tale, when unforeseen circumstances cause promises to be broken.

Moving on from the story, however, one can see that it is now that the adventure has truly begun. Sora, now on his own, is more inexperienced than ever. However, the player is just as inexperienced as he is, and this parallelism actually helps to allow both player and character’s goals and motivations to be one and the same. Sora wants to find his friends and find out what happened to his island; the player, surely, would want to find out the same things as well.

This is also where the player’s control over Sora drastically increases in comparison to the early scenes of the game. The start of the true adventure comes with many choices. The player will discover the shop as a great resource and location where one can exercise one’s control over the character and ability to make choices on what to purchase, how to equip and characterize one’s character, etc. Choices that will affect the Sora’s efficiency as quester, and how easily and quickly he will be able to complete his quest. One can spend one’s “munny” on potions that can heal one’s health, or accessories that can boost one’s defense. Or one can even raise one’s attack to focus more on offense rather than defense. There are many choices as well as combination of choices, and each will provide different benefits.

Expectations: Oath,Travel
Terms: Adventure

Race for the Name

Entry #4:

Another day on the island for Sora, and Kairi has more supplies for him to gather. While looking for the supplies, Sora comes across a different section of the island where Riku approaches him about their raft’s name. Riku wants to name it Highwind, while Sora (in other words, you) has a different idea.

You are then confronted with a prompt that asks what you’d like the raft to be named. Deciding for “Excalibur,” you pitch the idea to Riku, who seems to disagree. After a bit, you two decide to settle it with “the usual.” Doesn’t take long for you to realize that it is a race, with Kairi judging. If you win the race, the raft keeps your name, Excalibur. But if Riku wins, the raft gets named Highwind.

You go through with the race, jumping across bridges, climbing up ladders and over trees, but the race is fraught with obstacles. Sometimes you fall off the bridge, letting Riku get farther and farther ahead. Or you jump for a tree but miss it, falling back to the ground and having to start over again. By the end of it all, you run for the finish line only to see Riku literally walk across it casually as if he is mocking you.

And he, of course, rubs it in the protagonist’s (your) face all the more. “All right, we’re naming the raft Highwind.” Sora’s expression tells us that he is not amused. Afterward, you approach him again, and see that you can challenge him again if you so wish, and can continue challenging him as many times as it takes to even the score.


Here, Sora once again is faced with a challenge from other characters. Although the first race is not optional for the player, every subsequent race is. And, of course, Kairi is always present at each one. This gives light to the idea that Kairi is the “damsel” (even though she is not quite in distress), and that Sora is fighting Riku for her. Much like how a knight might fight in tournaments for other ladies. One of whom we know so well is Sir Gawain in The Story of the Grail, where he fights for the Maiden with the Short Sleeves, and for apparently no other reason except for that. Sora, here, does have reason, but the likelihood that the idea of “chivalry” or “show of strength” is one of them is quite high. So far, we’ve seen a strong recursion of this idea of chivalry when it comes to Sora – we have yet to see him rescue any actual damsel in distress, but he seems to have that desire to impress Kairi, but his inexperience in comparison to Riku usually puts him at the short end of the stick. However, it is his inexperience that perhaps makes him more relatable, so when we are given our choices, it is much easier to relate to Sora and connect to him in both our choices and lack of experience and knowledge.

This race isn’t particular a choice in the way that one would normally expect it to be – it is more like a test of our ability. However, it is a choice of the players’ in the case that an outcome in the game does make a slight change depending on the result of our actions. How big that change will be is still unclear to the player – but the appeal comes from the player knowing that his or her actions will, one way or another, affect an outcome in the game.

Expectations: Chivalry, Tests
Terms: Recursion

Bustin' Up the Beach

Entry #3:

Our character opens his eyes, only to meet the bright sun and the sound of waves hitting the sand. We seem to be back on that island. Only, things feel a little different this time. More… real.

And our hero sits up, yawning, essentially implying that he had been fast asleep until this very moment. He is suddenly greeted by another character, Kairi, who calls him Sora. He has a moment to contemplate his strange “dream” before they discuss their plans of leaving the island to go on an adventure. A third character, named Riku, shows up and they promise to finish the raft together to see different worlds.

Here, we are then left to explore the island on our own. Though, of course, with a raft to be built, our hero, Sora, must find the supplies. Delegated by Kairi, you scour the island for what she needs.
Exploring the island, however, you discover that you can actually challenge the few island inhabitants to a sparring match. With nothing to lose, you do just that,  finding that you actually grow stronger and gain values called “experience points” each time you win.


In this entry, we learn something that we would have expected to learn at the very start of the game: the protagonist’s name. Up until this point, his name was never spoken. In fact, we have never heard him say a word, either. The only words he has been “saying” before this point in the game have been “chosen” through us, the players. This is not unlike The Story of the Grail, in which the readers never learn the protagonist’s name until very far into the actual story itself. Also similarly, we only learn his name because it was inquired by, by another character. In Kingdom Hearts, we learn Sora’s name through Kairi’s greeting to him. In a way, the mentioning of Sora’s name is, in a way, a breaking of the ice. In previous entries, we, the players, have been unsure about the course of the story due to its introduction’s dream-like quality and allegorical feel. Even when characters were present, they did not feel to be real. Our suspicions of this dream are confirmed as Sora awakens, and also seems to have seen the same things we have, but also with no idea what they mean. In this sense, both player and protagonist are as inexperienced as each other.
Plotwise, the story takes a turn and sets up what seems to be the main quest and goal of the game: to journey and explore the other worlds outside the island. The three friends, Sora, Riku, and Kairi, make an informal oath that they will go together, signifying at their strong friendship. This oath triggers ideas and memories of the oath in relation to the grail and a number of quests, but the way it was brought up more playfully than in our readings (such as Percival or The Noble Tale of the Sankgreal) makes its meaning slightly ambiguous, for now. One can expect the game to come back to their friendship and promises.
And of course, one cannot really be on a quest or adventure without the tests and trials to make one stronger. As Sora explores the island, we, the player, have the option of challenging and sparring with its inhabitants. Sora may not be a knight, but from his personality and the way others address him, neither is he one to turn down a challenge, as well as the chance to be tested and grow stronger. Chivalry, of course, plays just a large a role. When Kairi, a female protagonist, was introduced, our hero’s crush was made quite evident. Many knights from our readings strive to save or prove themselves to their “damsels,” and Sora is no exception to this archetype. Of course, the final choice is up to the player on whether or not the challenges will be accepted. Taking on the challenges and winning will take more time, but in return, you will receive experience points, allowing Sora, your character, to grow stronger. Choosing not to will merely speed up your progress through this stage of the story. This is just merely one of the side quests Sora may encounter throughout the course of the story – and like Percival, you are left with a choice: to continue with the main quest of finding “the grail,” or to complete all the tasks and woes that appear before you without discrimination.

Expectation: Oath, Test, Inexperienced, Knight, Chivalry
Term: Chivalry   

Awakening Part 2: More Choices...

A blinding flash of white light interferes as we now find ourselves on an island, standing on what looks to be the deck of an old ship. It's bright, sunny, and you find yourself surrounded by three other characters.

Before you can contemplate how you arrived here, however, the familiar voice runs across the screen: "Hold on. The door won't open just yet. First, tell me more about yourself."

Uncertain, you walk up to the first person you see. A young girl with a yellow dress, perhaps hoping that she'll talk to you like a normal person. Approaching her, she then responds to your presence with a question: "What's most important to you?"

Among the given options are being number one, friendship, and my prized possessions.

Being the sentimental one you are,  you pick "Friendship," to which she replies "Is friendship such a big deal?"

Looking around, you see the other two people and sense a pretty particular trend. And twice again, you answer their questions:

What do you want outta life?
- To see rare sights
- To broaden my horizons (he responds: "To broaden your horizons, huh?")
- To be strong

What are you so afraid of?
- Getting old
Being different (he responds: "Being different? Is that really so scary?")
- Being indecisive

When you have spoken to each person, the voice returns, summarizing your choices, and finally saying: "Your adventure begins at midday. Keep a steady pace and you'll come through fine."

And once more... you are given a choice to agree with the voice, or second guess yourself. Ready to move on with the quest, you agree. "Sounds good."

"The day you will open the door is both far off and very near."


Even more than the other entry, this particular portion gives off an even more similar sense to The Romance of the Rose. At first sight, everything appears to be good and we appear to be in the "real world," finally. There are other characters, the sky is sunny, and nothing seems out of the ordinary. Oh, except for the voice of the reliable hermit that continues to come out from nowhere. Not to mention the fact that these other characters are asking you such odd, personal-like questions. The dreamlike quality is somehow still there, though more subtly than before. This scene also resembles that of Sir Orfeo, where he walks through the Fairy King's garden and/or realm, and yet all around are people who were supposed to be dead, but were not. The strange supernatural quality in both works (Kingdom Hearts and Sir Orfeo) goes completely unnoticed by the characters, and you are forced to accept it the way it is.

So far,  we've seen ourselves and our character sit in this version of a liminal space, where our hero sits on a border of ambiguity, unsure of where all these questions and choices will lead. This differs the most from the rest of the texts that we have read - there are clearly choices the hero must make, but even those choices don't seem to quite have any direct result so far, or at least not one that is visible to the hero.

This very idea is what puts video games in a unique perspective - the choices we make may not influence the hero in any way that one can see directly. Such choices may and probably affect the mechanics of the game, none of which is truly visible to any average gamer unless having done prior research before. But in that sense, the questions and choices we face hold even more mystery and anticipation because of that - we are unsure how our choices will affect us in the future. Much like how knights/questers would often feel in facing "real-life" choices.

Expectations: Supernatural, Hermit
Terms: Liminal Space